Burglar takes valuables
Crime in the Warendorf district
Here you will find information and contact details for the Crime Directorate of the Warendorf District Police Department

The South (Ahlen) and North (Warendorf) regional police departments are located in the towns of Ahlen and Warendorf. They are responsible for investigating and combating small and medium-sized crime throughout the district. This includes crimes such as street robberies, burglaries, thefts of all kinds, fraud, assault and damage to property. 

The Criminal Investigation Department 1, based in Warendorf, deals with serious and special forms of crime throughout the district. Among other things, the employees handle death investigations, sexual offenses, arson investigations, robberies and offenses with supra-local crime connections.
The criminal investigation department is responsible for crime scene recording and is affiliated to Criminal Investigation Department 2. This department in Warendorf also includes forensic technology, criminal file storage, data station and crime prevention and Victim protection 
The Criminal Investigation Department 3 investigates, among other things, fraud, foreigner crime and document crime, including counterfeiting.

Preventing harm: about security in your own four walls, new media, violence and addiction prevention, youth crime and security for senior citizens.

The employees of Criminal Investigation Department 2 - Crime Prevention/Victim Protection - will inform you about the various forms of crime. They will show you the risks of becoming a victim of crime and give you tips on how you can protect yourself from crime.

Further comprehensive information can be found on the state crime prevention pages and on the police crime prevention pages.

Information on
Figures and data
Crime prevention
Further topics
Current information
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110