Fake sms parcel delivery
Fake SMS parcel delivery
Tips for dealing with fake SMS "parcel delivery"
More and more people are currently contacting the Warendorf district police authority with questions about the text message from an alleged parcel deliverer.

This text message stated that a parcel would be delivered without those affected having ordered anything. This is a scam!

These text messages usually have the following wording: "Your parcel has been delivered/added. Please check and accept in time. Click on the following link." 
These and similar text messages are increasingly being sent by fraudsters to scam money.

In the text messages, the fraudsters ask people in the Warendorf district to click on the link sent to track the status of the alleged parcel. If you click on the link, it can be expensive: software is often installed on your cell phone unnoticed, which taps into sensitive data or even sends large numbers of chargeable text messages. Or you are redirected to a website and asked to enter personal data or supposedly pay for missing postage. If you comply with these requests, the fraudsters may gain access to accounts.

If you receive such an SMS:

  • Click don't click on the link and delete the text message immediately
  • If you have clicked on the link: immediately turn off the cell phone, reset it to factory settings and then select new secure passwords
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110