Caution: Fake stores

Caution: Fake stores
Deceptively genuine! How to protect yourself from online fake stores - not just on Black Friday.
Consumer advice center NRW

Handbags, designer clothing, high-tech trend products and brand-name watches: In addition to a wide range of products, online stores also offer convenient ordering options for everyone. However, online retailers can also conceal fraudsters who want to rip off online shoppers with so-called fake stores (fake internet sales platforms). We show you ways to recognize such scammers.


Rip-offs online: How do I recognize fake stores on the internet?

Fake stores are difficult to recognize at first glance. Some of them are copies of real websites, they appear reputable at first glance and therefore rarely leave the buyer in doubt as to their authenticity. With well-copied product images and information from the Internet as well as a professional appearance, fake stores gain the trust of online shoppers and thus entice them to make a purchase. Another lure is the seemingly particularly low price of the product they are looking for.

After an advance payment has been made, it is not uncommon for inferior goods to be sent at an inflated price, and sometimes the product is not delivered at all. Retailers often even feign delivery problems and put off those affected in order to prevent them from taking further action.


To avoid falling for a fake store, pay attention to the following points:


What victims of a fake store can do:

  • If you have already transferred money, you should immediately ask your bank to reverse the payment. This is usually still possible a few hours after placing an online order. With other payment methods such as direct debit, the payment can be reversed up to eight weeks after collection. You must also contact your bank for this.

All receipts for the online order should be collected and saved. This includes the purchase contract, order confirmation, emails and a screenshot of the offer.From a legal point of view, this is fraud. Those affected can have the printed documents checked by the closest advice center of their consumer advice center and file a complaint with the police. This is also possible online.

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