Beware of various scams!

Anonymous caller with mask on the computer
Beware of various scams!
The scams used by fraudsters are many and varied. Fraudsters usually use very sophisticated methods to get their victims' money.
Caroline Steffen

Section 263 of the Criminal Code describes fraud as obtaining a financial advantage by deceiving others, for example by making false pretenses or distorting true facts.

The "con artists, touts and pawn catchers", as contemporaries in this category are popularly known, usually operate with great finesse and often cause considerable damage.

The locations and opportunities where "irregularities" can occur are just as varied as the forms of fraud. In addition to the "crime scene of the front door", cases of fraud occur time and again in connection with the brokerage of residential property and the counterfeiting and misuse of means of payment.

Be particularly careful when shopping online on the internet.

You can find extensive information on various scams and how you can protect yourself from them on the police crime prevention website. Here you will find valuable tips.

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